Example of search execution with Atkinson's Deep 12Q (Postmodernism)


It is easy for Chat GPT plus members to use Atkinson's Deep 12Q, which is registered with GPT.
Here is an example of an exploratory learning case for Postmodernism.


Open the GPTs screen.







Below are the results generated by Atkinson's Deep 12Q.


Notice how it generates 12 questions and answers with just one key word.


The AI also asks follow-up questions to facilitate understanding.
Interesting stories and images can also be generated on request.



(The following is a quote from the chat)




Atkinson's Deep 12Q:
Postmodernism is a complex and multifaceted concept, often seen as both a philosophical movement and an era in cultural, artistic, and intellectual history. Here, we'll explore it through the system of twelve questions aligned with William Walker Atkinson's method.


1.What is the origin or cause of postmodernism?
Postmodernism emerged in the mid-20th century as a reaction against the assumptions and values of modernism, which emphasized grand narratives, objective knowledge, and a belief in progress and reason.


2.What caused postmodernism?
It was caused by disillusionment with modernist principles following World War II, societal changes, and shifts in philosophy, which questioned the reliability of objectivity, absolute truths, and the efficacy of reason.


3.What history or records exist about postmodernism?
Historical records of postmodernism are found in academic texts, art exhibitions, and cultural critiques from the late 20th century. Influential thinkers include Jean-Francois Lyotard, Jacques Derrida, and Michel Foucault.


4.What are the characteristics, qualities, or features of postmodernism?
Postmodernism is characterized by skepticism towards grand narratives, an emphasis on relativism, and a focus on deconstruction, irony, and pastiche in arts and literature.


5.What is most associated with postmodernism? What resembles it?
Postmodernism is most associated with fields like literature, architecture, and philosophy. Movements such as structuralism and post-structuralism also share some resemblance due to their critical approaches to human culture and knowledge.


6.What is the utility value of postmodernism? How can it be used?
Postmodernism is used to critique cultural norms, question established knowledge frameworks, and encourage diversity of perspectives in academic and artistic expressions.


7.What does postmodernism prove? What can be inferred?
Postmodernism proves that absolutes and universal truths are often constructs rather than inherent facts. It infers that knowledge and reality are socially constructed and subjective.


8.What are the natural consequences of postmodernism? What happens because of postmodernism?
The natural consequences include increased pluralism in thought and culture, a questioning attitude towards authority and tradition, and a fragmentation of consensus on values and meaning in society.


9.What is the future or natural end of postmodernism?
The future of postmodernism may involve its integration into broader philosophical discourses, potentially leading to new syntheses that include both modern and postmodern insights or moving beyond to emerging movements like metamodernism.


10.What does AI think about postmodernism? What's the general impression?
AI, from a neutral standpoint, views postmodernism as a significant intellectual movement that challenges and expands the frameworks within which human thought and cultural production are understood.


11.What general information is there about postmodernism?
General information about postmodernism highlights its pervasive influence across various disciplines, including the arts, sociology, and philosophy, where it challenges earlier assumptions about objectivity and truth.


12.What have you heard about postmodernism? From whom, and when?
Discussions about postmodernism often come from academic and cultural critics in universities, books, and conferences, especially prominent from the late 20th century to the present.
Reflect on these three questions to deepen your understanding:


How has postmodernism influenced contemporary cultural and artistic expressions?
In what ways can postmodernism be seen as both beneficial and detrimental to society?
How do postmodern interpretations differ across global cultures?
Would you like a story generated based on postmodernism?


Please tell us a story.


Atkinson's Deep 12Q:
Story: "The Echoes of Truth"
In a sprawling city of juxtaposed architectures, where glass towers loomed over ancient brick houses, lived an aspiring artist named Elara. Known for her eclectic art, she thrived in the postmodern landscape of the city, a place where every street corner told a story of contrast and contradiction.


One evening, while walking through the Neon District, Elara stumbled upon an old bookstore nestled between a cyber cafe and a virtual reality arcade. The store was a relic, a whisper from the past, filled with dusty books that smelled of forgotten tales and aged wisdom. Intrigued, Elara entered, her senses tingling with the potent magic of stories waiting to be told.


Inside, she met the owner, Mr. Voss, a man whose eyes twinkled with the mischief of someone who had read too many books. He introduced her to a peculiar book, its cover plain and unassuming. "This," he said, "is the 'Book of Echoes,' a collection of stories that change every time they are read. No single reading is ever the same."


Elara was fascinated. Each story she read took her on a journey through multiple realities, none entirely true nor entirely false. The narratives twisted and turned, characters morphed, and endings unraveled only to weave themselves into new beginnings. This book, Elara realized, was the epitome of postmodern thought?there were no grand narratives or absolute truths, only endless interpretations and reconstructions.


Inspired, Elara decided to create an art installation that embodied the essence of the 'Book of Echoes.' She worked tirelessly, translating the fluidity and multiplicity of the stories into visual form. The installation was a labyrinth of mirrors, each reflecting not just the physical but also the philosophical?visitors saw not only themselves but endless versions of themselves, each slightly altered.


The exhibition opened to critical acclaim. People from all walks of life wandered through the labyrinth, each finding different meanings and messages. Critics praised Elara for capturing the postmodern condition?her art was a dialogue, a debate, a reflection of the fractured and multifaceted nature of reality.


As the exhibition drew to a close, Elara returned to Mr. Voss to thank him. "Your book," she said, "taught me that every story, every truth, is just an echo of something greater, something endlessly interpretable."


Mr. Voss smiled, his eyes gleaming with unspoken knowledge. "And what is more postmodern than that?" he replied. "The belief that truth is not absolute but is instead an endless series of reflections, distortions, and possibilities."


Elara left the bookstore with a new understanding of her world, a world where every echo and reflection held a story, each one true in its own right and yet a mere fragment of a larger, unknowable whole.


Would you like to see an iconic image generated based on this story?


Please give us a symbolic image that encourages learning.



Atkinson's Deep 12Q:


Here is the symbolic image encouraging learning, depicting a serene setting under an ancient oak tree with books hanging from its branches. This visual metaphor highlights the joy and diversity of learning in a natural environment. Feel free to take a closer look at the details in the image.