What is Atkinson's Deep 12Q?

What is Atkinson's Deep 12Q?

This is a customized learning acceleration tool in GPT Builder.


If you are a ChatGPT Plus member($20/month paid plan membership), you can use it from the "My GPTs" page.


MYGPTs allows you to discover and create customized versions of ChatGPTs that combine specific instructions, additional knowledge, and different skills.


The My GPTs page also offers custom GPTs for productivity, research, teaching, and other purposes.


Atkinson's Deep12Q, which is registered on GPTs, was originally created by me for children's learning.


 However, GPTs will be available for free with the update at the end of May 2024. Some functions (e.g., drawing illustrations) may not work well with the free version due to limitations.
However, other than image generation, it seems to be basically free and usable without any problems.


I wanted to foster a multifaceted yet essential view of children's learning,
I wanted to create something that could be used after graduation and beyond, so I created it with GPT Builder.


I believe that if you use it, you will find it intellectually stimulating and interesting!


Site Navi

Basic Usage of Atkinson's Deep 12Q
How Atkinson's Deep 12Q works
What is the significance of utilizing Atkinson's Deep 12Q?


Examples of Use:

White Tiger Postmodernism Finnish Phenomena-based Learning by Japanese What is TSMC? What is Minecraft? Japanese explanation Logistic regression and SVM  On Knowledge Constraints and Fact Checking to Suppress Halcination  tuatara in New Zealand  Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Architeuthis dux On the number of moles and molar concentration STEM Education





アトキンソンのDeep 12Qとは?




ChatGPT Plusのメンバー(月額20ドルの有料プラン会員)であれば、"My GPTs "ページから使用することができます。※


MYGPTs では、特定の指示や追加知識、異なるスキルを組み合わせたカスタマイズ版のChatGPTを発見したり、作成したりすることができます。









卒業後も、その先も使えるものを作りたかったので、GPT Builderで作りました。

