How Atkinson's Deep 12Q works

The 12 questions of Atkinson's Deep 12Q are explained.
Twelve examples may help you understand.


Atkinson's Deep 12Q was inspired by the ideas in the book MEMORY, which develops memory.


Embedded in Atkinson's Deep 12Q are the following 12 questions.


# question template
questions = [
"What is the origin or cause of {keyword}?" ,.
" What caused {keyword} ?" ,
"What history or records exist about {keyword}?" ,.
"What are the characteristics, qualities, or features of {keyword} ?" ,.
"What is most associated with {keyword}? What resembles it? " ,.
"What is the utility value of {keyword}? How can it be used? "
"What does {keyword}prove? What can be inferred?"
"What are the natural consequences of {keyword}? What happens because of {keyword}? " ,.
"What is the future or natural end of {keyword}?" ,.
"What does AI think about {keyword}? What's the general impression? " ,
"What general information is there about {keyword}? "
"What have you heard about {keyword}? From whom, and when?"
The GPT4 answers along with the above 12 questions, with a structure of 3 questions to facilitate understanding of the content.
Atkinson's Deep 12Qs is a customized and finely tuned GPTs.




The GPTs is made public so that everyone in the chatGPTplus user community, including English-speaking and Japanese-speaking users, can use it.



The GPTs also include specific and interesting stories to symbolize the answers and motivate learning, as well as images to promote understanding of the terminology, so that you can choose from a variety of options.


The questions are based on William W. Atkinson's 12Questions, an excellent tool for memory development, and are fixed for easy recall.


In addition, we added our own original twist: we stimulated the left brain with follow-up questions, suggested impressive stories and images, and stimulated the right brain, which controls images, by generating images.



In this way, the left and right brains work together to deepen impressions, reduce brain stress, and accelerate understanding and learning.
This is what the age of AI has allowed us to achieve.


It is not simply a matter of acquiring superficial knowledge.


The key is in the process of exploring terms of interest over and over again, dozens of times.
In doing so, your brain is trained to learn the 12 question patterns that give you a deeper perspective on things.
What happens then is left to your imagination.










# 質問テンプレート
質問 = [
" {keyword}の起源や由来は何ですか?"
" {keyword}の特性、質、特徴は何ですか?"
" {keyword}と最も関連付けやすいものは何ですか? {keyword}に似ているものは?"
" {keyword}の利用価値は何ですか?どのように使用できますか?"
" {keyword}は何を証明していますか?何を推論できますか?"
" {keyword}の自然な結果は何ですか? {keyword}が原因で起こることは?"
" {keyword}についてどう思いますか?一般的な印象は?"
" {keyword}についての一般的な情報は何ですか?"
" {keyword}について何を聞いていますか?誰から、いつ聞きましたか?"






















